Big era 5

The Big Five Era 

Humans and Ideas
There were a couple of major cultural developments that shaped the Big Era five, but the driving force behind it was humans and ideas. Anytime you have cultural differences it is because someone has a different idea than someone else. A major one of these ideas throughout the population was a difference in religious thinking. There were a number of different belief systems widespread including Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. The other cultural development focused on consolidating scientific and technological traditions within complex societies and the new ideas spreading quickly across Afroeurasia.

The Big Five Era was started around 300 to 400 CE and the ancient world of Afroeurasia and its large political units came to an end. The next twelve hundred years of the Big Five Era brought lots of modern inventions and cultural changes into being. The population of the time was four million people globally thought to be linked to innovations in agriculture as well as more people from Europe to Japan being given land that they could use to grow sustenance. The larger empires of South America, West Africa and Mesoamerica came into being. Between 1000 and 1500 CE there was the emergence of the Indian Ocean focuses on long-distance commerce in Afroeurasia, and there was a universal message of comfort in allowing the religions to agree to disagree.

The Environment, War, and Black Death

The environment during the Big Five Era was changing rapidly and brought on drier conditions and declined the productivity of the farmers. Another issue this caused was plague and disease. The Black Death spread quickly through Afroeurasia taking out a considerable large percent of the population. War became a widespread mission with the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the rise of the Gupta Empire in India. In Europe the early Russian empire rose to power and the Aztec and Incan empires grew in America. War also reached new levels of violence with the use of the crossbow, and catapult among other new weapons. Despite the war economic growth was still steady from 700 to 1500. Commerce by sea was the most popular way for merchants to trade. The Big Five Area brought a lot of cultural advances and events that shaped the history of the world.

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Mauryan Empire


Chandragupta Maurya gained control and began conquering the surrounding kingdoms. His conquests led to the founding of India’s first empire, the Mauryan Empire, located near the Ganges River in northeastern India.The Maurya Empire was ruled by the Mauryan dynasty from 321 to 185 BC.

Chandragupta then defeated the invasion led by Seleucus I, a Greek general from Alexander's army. Under Chandragupta and his successors, internal and external trade, agriculture and economic activities,expanded across.

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Gupta Empire

What was the Gupta Empire? 
They are an Indian empire that ruled from about 320 AD to 550 AD. They took over 500 years after the Mauryan Empire. They made peace and joined together many empires to form one big empire.
Chandragupta I ruled this empire and gave it great splendor. They have achieved many things within the time they ruled India.

They ruled all of northern India. This time was so great people call it a “golden age”. They had many universities, sculptures, and roads, which made many things easy for the people in this empire. They also had exceptional metalwork to make fantastic sculptures. They also built many universities for men to learn.

Gupta Empire created many universities along their empire. The universities taught different religions. They also taught mathematics, astronomy, artistry, chemistry, religions, music, and medicine. 

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High Middle Ages


The crusades brought big changes for Europe. The political system in Europe changed from feudalism to monarchy. 
The economic system went from the manorial system, where manors were self-sufficient and didn't trade, to the revival of trade throughout Europe. 
The social structure went from a structured society to a society with a new class, the middle class, and the decline of serfdom. All these changes were very big for Europe.
The political system changed in a big way in Europe after the crusades. Before the crusades, the political unit was the manor and was ruled by lords. You were loyal to the lord who owned your land. After the crusades, feudalism became weaker. The kings who led the crusades got more power. They began to form countries and impose taxes. 

After the Crusades, trade began to grow in Europe. Most of this trade was controlled by merchants from Italy and northern Europe.

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Islamic Empire

The Islamic Empire influenced the development of world history. The Muslims of the Islamic Empire expanded their empire, they influenced with their ideas and customs to the people they conquered. 

The developments and advancements  made during the time of the Islamic Empire include: medicine, geography and mathematics. 
In the Islamic Empire, many Muslims started to trade,they traveled in the empire and explored distant lands. 
Because of the need for navigation advancements, Muslims took interest in astronomy, navigation, and maps and developed advancements. 
One of the famous inventions was the astrolabe, a small instrument called which allowed observers to chart the positions of the stars.
 Because of advancements in navigation as well as in transportation, traveling has been made easier, faster and more affordable.
In the Islamic Empire, Muslims learned a number system.

Mathematics is as important in the modern world today as it was in the Islamic Empire years ago. 
Mathematics is a stable such as counting and exchange of money and goods. 
KEY THEMEIt is evident that the advancements made in the Islamic Empire influenced the civilizations that followed and the developments, advancements are a part of our modern world today. 

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As the Middle Ages slowly declined, they gave way for the Renaissance Era to take over. 
The Middle Ages, also known as the Dark Ages, were years when art, happiness, and intelligence were waning.
In the Renaissance, humanities, such as art, and philosophy flourished.
 Started in Italy and spread throughout Western Europe. 'Renaissance' means 'rebirth,' and it did bring out new culture, new developments, and new ideals, forever changing Western Europe.
Later, they began to realize the importance of education, and corruption that was taking place within the church, and began to protest, and this in itself sparked curiosity in the townspeople. 
Key theme 
The Renaissance was most definitely an age of progress because art, literature, and humanistic principles all play a huge role in the world we live in today. 

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Han Dynasty

People say that the Han dynasty was the most powerful of all of China’s dynasties, not only because of  the economic growth but also because of its technology. 

Han dynasty inventions were some of the greatest contributions not only in the Chinese society but also across the globe. Some of innovations developed during this period include the wheelbarrow, the seismograph and stirrups.

There are several major Han dynasty inventions that have been famously known. These inventions have in one way or another shaped the way our world is lived in right now. The first and probably the most popular is the paper. 

It was during the Han dynasty that the cast iron processing was perfected.

Furnaces which are able to convert iron ore into pig iron and later into cast iron were operational in China during the Han dynasty period.
This helped vastly in the improvement of weapons, tools and domestic wares.
More importantly, it paved the way for the creation of new agricultural tools which in turn helped increase the agricultural tax revenue of the empire.
Also the Han dynasty, come up with the invention of silk, and they thought that could be marketed as an expensive piece of article.

Silk business created a lot of revenue for the people of the Han dynasty. The Han dynasty inventions are solid proof of the intellectual of the Han dynasty people.

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Qin Dynasty

Qin Dynasty took place between 221 BC and 206 BC, and was ruled by emperors Yingzheng and Hu Hai. Emperor Yingzheng, also known as Emperor Qin Shi Huang, overthrew the warring states of Han, Zhao, Wei, Yan, Chu, and Qi, establishing the Shaanxi Province city of Xianyang as the Qin Dynasty capital. This was the first time in Chinese history that the country was centralized and unified, and this dynasty affected the development of the many dynasties that were to follow.


Shi Huangdi unified China with the help advisors, Hanfeizi and Li Si. Both men helped found the school of legalism, which was a method to controlled people by using strict laws based on rewards and punishment. To prevent rebellions, he seized all private weapons.Then divided China into 36 districts and appointed loyal officials to govern the districts. Shi Huangdi suppressed all criticism of his rule. Qin policies unified and strengthened China. Over time the peasant became fed up with the harsh government revolted and founded the Han dynasty.

Emperor Qin made many changes during his reign: the Chinese government, culture, and economy.
Shi Huang Di standardized the different laws, writing, coins, and weights and measures used across China.Before the Qin Dynasty a system of standard of different laws,writing, coins and wights did not exist. Emperor Qin called for an established system. He also proclaimed Qinzhuan as the standard style for written characters.
Much of Emperor Qin’s work during the Qin Dynasty helped to develop the country’s economy. Building of the Great Wall of China began during his reign. He also builded the famous terra-cotta warriors that guarded his grave. 

By conquering new land the Qin dynasties were able to spread new ideas and their culture beliefs throughout China and even across the world. Some of the inventions during this period are even used today.

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